January 21, 2009

Signed Stories

Signed Stories is a new and really exciting initiative developed by ITV to make contemporary children's books more accessible to deaf children by presenting them in sign language and streaming them onto a website.
I was delighted when I found out that my book The Ravenous Beast animated DVD was to be one of the first titles. It is brilliantly signed by Khalid Ashraf, he really captures the story wonderfully. You can find The Ravenous Beast here on the toddler page and here on the slimy scary page!
No child should be without stories in their lives, I believe that this project will make a huge difference and I am delighted to be part of it.
Please visit the Signed Stories site and tell all your friends about it.


Susan at Stony River said...

Wow, fantastic! A deaf co-worker once told me how difficult it is for deaf kids to learn to read, because the letters of course represent sounds that many of us earned as babies. I'd never thought of that before she told me about her own experience. What a wonderful use of the internet, to bring the books alive that way!

Doda said...

that is very cool. How wonderful for all kids to experience the joy of story!

Unknown said...

Oh, thanks for telling us about this