February 11, 2009

Busy in Bangor

Some photos of the workshop from Saturday. Great Hugglewugs were drawn and decorated with sticky gooey glittery sparkles! Thank you to everyone one that came along. The Library in Bangor looks fantastic and it was great to meet Patrick Benson, Anita Jeram and Paul Howard who gave workshops too.
All the illustrators sat in down the back of the class when Patrick was giving his workshop! He talked about illustrating Roald Dahl's The Minpins. I loved the way he showed the kids everything from rough to thumbnail to finished art. He didn't seem at all precious about his artwork which was really refreshing. In fact he passed it about the class so you could have a really good look at it. So now I have a few new illustrating tricks! Thanks Patrick!


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  3. Hi Niamh,

    I am promoting your books here in Boston. My friend works in a preschool. She reads your books to all the kids. I have been asked by a lot of the mothers, where can they can find your books here. I have had to order them on Amazon for them. It would be really great if you could do a workshop in Boston, maybe at one of the big Stores like Barnes and Noble or Boarders. The recession has really hit hard here and people are afraid to spend money but still need to entertain their kids so I am finding that they are spending more times in library and book stores where it is free and educational for their children. I have accommodation for you so all you would need is the plane ticket, which AerLingus is having sales on at the moment.
