September 22, 2010

Busy week!

This is such a mad busy week...

I was delighted be to be asked by Suzanne Yarker to choose my ‘Ten Favourite Things’ for the Evening Herald, to be published next Tuesday. But the photographer is coming out in two hours and I am up to my eyes finishing off artwork that's for the IGI Laundry exhibition that was due in last Monday.

Tomorrow I'll be on LM-FM tomorrow at 2pm. Talking to Gerry Kelly on The Late Lunch Show. Tune in for some book talk and free giveaways!

Tomorrow night I'll be part of the opening night at Soundwaves Festival a Music and Arts festival that I've been helping organise in Skerries. There is going to be a Night Parade followed by fireworks down at the harbour.

Friday Night is Open Studio at 7pm.

Saturday, I have a stall at the Soundwaves Street party. If you want original facepaint art by local author and illustrator... me! Do come along its from 2-5pm.
I have a wonderful character from my new Book, On The Road for you to meet!

Phew.. see you all during the week at some event!


  1. rats! I want my face painted!!! I've ordered the new book - very excited. A xoxo

  2. Morgan, one event down the rest to go...

    Anne, I will do a virtual face painting for you :)
