October 12, 2010

Sheep Authors spotted in Dublin...

Last night I had a wonderful dinner date in Shebeen Chic with Sarah McIntyre (Mammy of Morris The Mankiest Monster), Gary Norfield (Daddy of Derek the Sheep) Cliodhna Lyons (24-hour comic girl) and Tom Donegan (The CBI Man).

Sarah and Gary are off touring the libraries of Kildare for Bookfest. Sarah created the amazing Vern and Lettuce comic strip that ran in The Times supplement and The DFC comic for 2 years. Gary is the creator of Derek the Sheep for the Beano amongst other things. I hear he likes a bit of knitting.

We spotted an old black and white photo booth opposite our table, so we all squooshed in. Lamped like stunned sheep in headlights you can just about make out our fuzzy heads.

Go to their Bookfest events or Tom and his scary eyeballs will find you!