November 23, 2010

Story Spark Ignites!

Last night was the launch of StorySpark at The Ark. It was such a warm family celebration and really fitting way to blast off the celebrations. Hurray!
Myself and Owen brought our three, and they were well impressed. The first floor has been kitted-out as a fully functioning Story Lab; an interactive workspace complete with mp3 listening stations and a digital recording booth.

You can listen to stories already created by children and then add your own story to the collection. Mags from Children's Books Ireland said that 'all the stories created in the lab during the next month will find a permanent home in Dublin City’s archive.'

Pretty amazing! Imagine your great grandchildren listening to these stories in the future. I overheard a young girl of ten setting her tale in Wagner Manor!

Aoibhe and Oscar loved listening to the recordings. And they were all totally impressed with the mountain of cocktail sausages and innocent smoothies. 'Just for us!'

It's going to be a really wonderful month filled full of stories. Bob from The Gutter Bookstore will be on hand if you want to get lots of signed books for Christmas pressies! Joseph O'Connor gave a lovely opening talk, I promise to upload soon. He really included all the children, especially the Bray Junior Book Club.
The stage is set. All we need now is you. Oh, yeah and a few story makers!

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