November 6, 2010

Irish Times Today.

Lovely write up of 'On The Road With Mavis and Marge' in The Irish Times today.

'Once we had Thelma and Louise. Now, with Niamh Sharkey’s On the Road with Mavis and Marge (Walker, £11.99), comes another couple of lively ladies in search of life and adventure. But this Mavis is a cow, this Marge is a chicken and their chosen mode of transport is a red bicycle – all very fine until their first puncture and their first encounter with a sequence of other creatures who assist them on their way. A map incorporated at one point into the text seems to suggest that their travels begin in north Antrim – this might well explain their permanently excitable state – before taking in the Antarctic and outer space. But home (and a surprise) await. This is the Sharkey of The Ravenous Beast and I’m a Happy Hugglewug, pictorial inventiveness bursting out of every page. Watch out especially for Albert, the perkiest of all bespectacled penguins.'

Fantastic mention too of my fellow Walker Books friend, Chris Haughton and his wonderful new book, A Bit Lost.

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