February 15, 2011

The Last Knit...

Thanks to Karl for sending me this film by Finnish animator, Laura Neuvonen. Karl's wife, the lovely Miss Dee is one of my best friends in the world. Dee taught me how to knit in a wild cottage up in Donegal about 20 years ago.

He said it reminded him of me. I have to say I can get totally obsessed by things. I have a one track mind. Once I start a project nothing can tear me away from it. I have been known to cut my hair really short too for the sake of art. Look here's a photo from my 4th year ID from college after I had one of those cuts!

Ha! Ha! I found this old student card this morning and I'm shocked with how much I look like my son, Oscar.

Now here's where all this knitting talk is leading me. My craftaholic super talented friend Michelle needs your help with her knitting obsession. I think Michelle is like the Irish Kirsty. Go and have a look at her blog, it's wonderful. Michelle is obsessed with knitting. So much in fact, she hopes to break a world record with her knittamania!

Michelle needs lots of help... it's on Saturday 30th April. So grab your sticks and balls of wool and make sure you are in Roscommon that day. I will be! Knitters unite!!!!

More info on Michelle's blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Niamh, Jane Enticknap here i saw you a couple of weeks a go in Tallaght library with some of my Leaving certificate students. They are still talking about you and I want to say what an inspiration you are to me as well as my students. A friend of mine has just written a book on Angels for children so I hope you don't mind if I tell him about the publishers you were talking about. Thanks Jane. Keep up the excellent illustrations.
